So what’s Muh Movie Passion, you ask?

My my, are you a curious little rascal. Well, Muh Movie Passion is a blog in which I, Joseph, talk about basically all things related to film that I feel like talking about. Whether it be reviews about films I love or simply find intriguing, reviews of films I find disappointing (which is honestly going to be rare, since I don’t want this to be a stereotypical “Movie Roasting” blog), or any more broad topics that I feel like shedding some light on. Obviously I’ll go into more detail than just “This movie is awesome! Because this actor was awesome, and this part of the movie was was also awesome!” I’ll try my best to articulate why I think anything about a movie deserves some recognition, whether it be the acting, writing, dialogue, cinematography, sound design, atmosphere, etc. On the other hand though, I don’t want you to expect a deep 10 paragraph analysis. I consider myself very passionate, but there comes a point when I can’t really type anymore words without sounding redundant. A balance between details and subtlety is crucial to me.

The thing I tend to value the most when it comes to a movie is presentation. I believe even if a film has 10 of the most acclaimed writers collaborating to make the most magnificent script you ever read, if you have an incompetent director and crappy editors the movie will most likely fall apart and not make any sense. There’s probably a few exceptions to this, but it’s obviously still essential that everyone knows how to do their job when they’re making a movie. However, if a script has some plot holes, or if a character’s actions might not make the most sense during a scene, it doesn’t often ruin the rest of the movie for me. Don’t get me wrong, obviously a consistent script is a very important factor, but I don’t tend to look at a film as a puzzle where everything has to fit together just right (it is nice when it is though. A tight and well thought out script can contribute a lot to my enjoyment of a movie). I look at it as an experience, where you’re taken into a different world that makes you feel and identify with characters and images you would have never knew existed until you walked into that theater. Watching a film that hits all the right spots for me is basically like meditation.

In summary, I can acknowledge a movie’s faults but still enjoy it as a whole if I believe the good things about the film manage to outweigh the bad, as well as if they leave an impression on me. An impression that leaves me thinking about the film at random moments of my day, and that leaves me craving to return to that film’s world in the future. I’m not a picky dude so don’t worry, this isn’t Cinema Sins. This is Muh Movie Passion. Why did I use “muh” instead of “my”? I dunno, I guess it has a nicer ring to it.

One day I’d really like to be at least a quarter as godly a filmmaker as the Coen bros.